Our Services

Primary Teeth provides comprehensive dental care for children, ranging from preventive appointments to management of challenging conditions and behaviors. We want your kids get what they need for a lifetime of oral health.

Kids dentist office toothbrushes

Dental Exams & Cleanings

Routine dental evaluations and professional cleanings are essential for the early detection of any oral health concerns, determining a child's cavity risk based on a detailed assessment, and formulating individualized treatment plans.

Sealants & Preventative Care

Sealants are a thin layer of tooth-colored material that acts as a "shield," protecting the deep grooves on the first and second molars from food and plaque entrapment, which may otherwise lead to cavities. Our sealants are BPA-free to ensure your child’s teeth are safely protected.

Father and son at a children’s dentist office reviewing X-rays

Digital Radiographs

Our pediatric-specific digital imaging equipment utilizes minimal exposure levels to ensure your child's well-being. These precise diagnostic images aid in the early detection of cavities and developmental abnormalities. 

Little girl playing outside in the Berkeley hills

Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) & Curodont

SDF and Curodont are topical treatments used to prevent and arrest tooth decay, offering a non-invasive solution to manage early-stage cavities. They’re especially beneficial for young children and those with special needs.

Young girl playing with toys that is a patient of a kids dentist office

Fluoride Treatment

Fluoride has proven to be effective in minimizing childhood cavities and tooth decay. It fulfills two important dental functions: it helps staunch mineral loss from tooth enamel, and promotes the remineralization of tooth enamel.

Boy smiling after getting a natural, tooth-colored crown on his tooth

Tooth-Colored Fillings & Crowns

Our composite resin fillings are durable and blend seamlessly with natural teeth, making them an ideal choice for repairing cavities and maintaining a natural-looking smile. For larger cavities, our team will discuss our crown options.

We’ll take care of your family’s primary teeth.